Ketubahs that Flow Like a River

“A river cuts through a rock not because of it’s power, but its persistence.” – Jim Watkins

Rivers have symbolized strength and life for centuries abound. Almost all major civilizations have stemmed from settlements by the riverside. The great River Nile is perhaps the biggest example. It is the source of all activity, and feeds people in the deserts of Egypt and Northern Africa. The strong flow of water feeds the land along its way and the people with it. We, humans rely heavily on rivers for nourishment and draw strength from them.

Ketubahs that depict rivers are symbols of persistence, endurance, strength, and new life. Water has long been associated with Judaism. In Hebrew, the world Hebrew (“Ivrit”) comes from an ancient word meaning river. The Jews were literally known as the people who lived by the river!

Just as the water from rivers brings life to the soil and plants in its surroundings, ketubahs with rivers are a mark of new life and fertility. The moisture from rivers brings life to dead soil without which crops, vegetables and fruits would surely wither and die.

The By The Lake Ketubah holds the picture of an idyllic countryside scene bearing a stone bridge over a mighty river. The bridge over the water is a representation of couples who come across different sides of a river to build common ground over the strong current of the river.

Remnant of a fantasy, the Stay in a Dream Ketubah is an illustration of a couple embracing on a riverbank. The scene looks like its right out of a romance, fantasy graphic novel. The river holds as a centre point for this ketubah, reflecting the aura of a full moon. It is great for couples of fantasy books and movies, and is an instant winner among younger couples.

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