Ketubahs as Tall as Mountains

One of nature’s biggest inspirations is mountains. The large formidable masses of rock and mud have fascinated man for thousands and thousands of years, and continue to challenge them. Just yesterday, Snapchat did a live story on the summit of Mount Everest. Not only did it take the mountaineers a very long time to reach the top, it took their breath away – literally! In every snap, they all were breathing heavily, and some seasoned pros actually had to turn back because of the severe wind and cold.

Mountains have always been a symbol of strength, endurance and power. Only the strongest of men have been able to conquer them and plant their flag of victory on top. From a distance, climbing a mountain seems impossible but once you get started you reach the top through strong will and perseverance without looking down once. Building relationships are just as challenging psychologically, but once you complete the trek, your relationship solidifies and becomes unbreakable.

Couples who have built a strong relationship before marriage will like our collection of mountain ketubahs. Each featuring the large structures as backdrops to poetic sceneries. Northern lights, sunsets, night skies, lakes and a scene right out of a Dr. Suess book make up our diverse range of ketubahs featuring mountains.

A popular choice among couples is The Aurora Borealis Ketubah, containing a fish-eye view of the Northern lights above the silhouette of almost symmetrical mountains, bordering a lake reflecting the spectrum of colours in the Aurora Borealis. The inspirational yet sublime style is a powerful metaphor for a great relationship: inspiring and moving each other, full of energy.

Just remember:

“A relationship is like climbing a mountain. When you’re climbing, it’s hard and difficult to keep going, but when you’re at the top of the mountain, the view is all worthwhile, and absolutely and utterly incredible.”

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