Our Guide to Understanding the World: Map Ketubah

Our Guide to Understanding the World: Map Ketubah

Do you prefer to go through life without a map, following your own intuition, or are you the organized type that would never throw caution to the wind? There are people who need to have a clearly organized plan, a well-thought-out strategy – no matter what they’re dealing with. On the other hand, there are those who would never trust the guidelines more than their own gut, and who have no fear of the unexpected. Needless to say, having a map will may not always lead in the right direction, while disobeying all the rules, on the other hand, does not necessarily mean that fortune will favor the brave.

Those familiar with cartography, the science and art of creating maps, are probably fascinated with the concept and idea behind them. The oldest maps mankind has discovered date back from 2300 B.C., and they’re preserved on clay tablets. It was later, in ancient Greece, that cartography was further developed and truly regarded as a science. The medieval period in Europe brought a strong religious influence which was manifested through maps, as well. Understandably, the maps of this period were hand-drawn and crafted, which limited their distribution significantly.

The Renaissance brought a remarkable historical change once printing was invented, which affected the production and distribution of maps, among many other aspects. The first printed maps were developed on carved wooden blocks until engraved copper plates appeared in the 16th century. Maps were slowly taking different shapes and forms, such as globes which represented a true revolution in cartography. Throughout history, the accuracy of maps, especially geographical accuracy, was the factor that required the most work and dedication. In the 1970s, geographic information systems were developed, which truly elevated the process of maps developing on a whole new level.

Even today, it is hard for people to truly understand maps. While some may perceive maps as true representations of the world around us, that assumption is completely false. Maps are only “devices” used to understand the world, constructed based on basic assumptions.

The World Ketubah is one of the most enchanting map ketubah designs we offer. This design features dramatic contrast between the plain white background and the bold representation of the map of the world. The color scheme is luxurious and vivid, while the mixed patterns in the map design represent the modern art touch every single of our ketubah design entails. Our map ketubah designs are perfect for couples who enjoy traveling, adventure, and exploring the world together.

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