Symbols of Peace and Eternal Love: Ketubah with Doves

Symbols of Peace and Eternal Love: Ketubah with Doves

The rich, widespread symbolism of doves includes so many different meanings and connotations, all of which are extremely positive. Since the beginning of time, doves have symbolized peace, love, unity, and fresh beginnings. We often see them at weddings, where they represent the holy union between two people in love in all its glory. Throughout the history of mankind, they have represented an escape from the darkest of times, a brand new start, and a ray of hope that was always much-needed. A white dove in the sky meant freedom, happiness, joy, and understanding among people, and it marked only the brightest of chapters.

The symbolism of doves dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, where doves were seen as symbols of love. In fact, even one of their goddesses was believed to take the form of a dove, which signifies the importance of doves in paganism. When it comes to classical antiquity, goddess Aphrodite, mostly associated with beauty and love, found doves sacred and they were one of her prevalent symbols, hand in hand with roses and swans. One of the “living proofs” of the significance of doves in Greek mythology is that the Athenian Acropolis is decorated with sculptures of doves.

In Judaism, as well as Christianity, doves are related to the story of Noak’s ark, in which a dove carrying an olive branch, signified the end of the flood and the beginning of a new life. In some religions and philosophies, doves signify human souls and their purity. Today, doves stand for peace and the idea of pacifism in politics, often appearing in various peace campaigns, protests, as well as monumental events such as the Olimpic Games.  A dove is such a strong symbol of peace that sometimes people who advocate the pacifist ideology are referred to as doves.

The Lovey Dovey ketubah design romantically depicts doves in all their beauty and glory. In this particular design, the focus is on a pair of doves, signifying love, unity, and marriage, while in the background there is a flock of doves. The emphasis on the two doves in love stands for their unique unity, and the way two people become one after their wedding, taking on the world together. The subtle, romantic setting, as well as a gentle color scheme, in combination with the sunset in the background, all contribute to the overall mesmerizing vibe of this gorgeous doves ketubah design.

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